Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith Headshot

JEFF SMITH (Co-Author) After graduating from UCLA, Jeff never really focused on establishing a career. Eventually, while writing the novelization of Mel Brooks’ History of the World Part 2, Jeff met Len Wechsler. They began a three-year screenwriting collaboration. Jeff was offered a temp job at a motion picture advertising agency. He took the job to get out of debt but that temp job lead to a 33 year career in the Motion Picture Advertising world, 17 years helping to make Aspect Ratio the number one agency in Hollywood, followed by 16 years at a company Jeff started called Open Road Entertainment. It was one of the first boutique agencies in the business. Jeff loved making trailers and various types of movie advertising, but two and a half years ago he sold his company and is now ecstatic to be writing again. He reconnected with Len, and The Last Night at the Oki Dog is their first ‘re-collaboration.’